
Maplefields Academy

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Holiday Activity and Food Programme - Easter 2023

Information for families.

Holiday Activity and Food Programme – Easter 2023


Dear Parent/Carer


The Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF) is a Government funded initiative to help support families and children over three school holiday periods – Easter, Summer and Winter.  Funded places for young people aged 4 to 16 years in the county are provided at local activity camps. These activity camps are run by external organisations and the idea behind the HAF programme is to provide activities and camps to engage children and to provide them with a meal.


Please note the booking system for activities has now changed and you will receive an evoucher which entitles you to book your child’s place on their activity of choice.  Bookings are due to go live on Friday 17th March. 


Further information for parents is available at and is also contained in the attached guidance.


Please note, places are limited and are funded by central government. All students who attend Maplefields Academy are entitled to free fully funded places. If you book a place, please ensure the person it is booked for attends or cancel the booking so other children can benefit. On average, a funded place costs £25, which is still paid to the provider of the camp whether the camp is attended or not.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact


Kind Regards


Paul Lamb

Deputy Head Personal Development

Maplefields Academy


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