Blue Class
In Blue Class the current Class Teacher is Mrs Wilson who works alongside our traineee teacher Miss McGowen with Miss Edwards and Miss Bates as supporting staff. Blue class is centred around creating a nurturing environment that in turn develops social and academic development. The school day begins with morning meeting and eating breakfast together, we then take part in our Skills Builder session where we play games to develop communication and healthy relationships, alongside discussing key events and topics throughout the year. Following this, the children will take part in 4 lessons a day that match their academic ability. In the morning, the children take part in Maths lessons and Read Write Inc. sessions to support their reading and writing. Practical strategies are used as much as possible to encourage engagement, understanding and a love of learning. Children are encouraged to read and write as much as possible, but this is built up in small steps to develop confidence and accuracy. In the afternoon the children engage in longer lessons including Science, Topic and Computing. These lessons are more creative and encourage the children to explore the world around us and develop skills they will need to live an independent life, these include cooking, using a computer program and exploring different countries through Topic.
The children enjoy rewards to promote positive outcomes, they can earn these by meeting their personalised targets and showing a positive attitude to learning. These rewards include Maplepoints to spend in the bistro, rock climbing and using the climbing frame, but are not limited to this. Blue Class have a covered outside area that they share with Green Class. We use this space to work, play and explore the environment and it has a positive impact on the children’s social and academic progress.
Blue Class act as a transition group between Green Class and UKS2 (Red and Purple class). The following elements from the structure of teaching and learning in Blue Class:
Intervention tasks (based around literacy and numeracy) to promote independence
Breakfast and lunch as a class group everyday
Morning key times with a focus on: Class assembly x 2, Newsround session and Primary reward assembly – 15 mins each
4 x Read, Write Inc/Literacy (dependent on ability) – 45 mins each
Maths x 4 - 45 mins each (one session includes active maths)
Skills Builder or group games session every day – 15 mins each
Story time session each day – 15 mins each
Science x 1 – 45 mins
Topic (covering Geography/History/Art/DT) x 2 – 45 mins each
PE x 2 – 45 mins each
RE x 1 – 45 mins
Music x 1 – 45 mins
Computing x 1 – 45 mins
Forest School/ Swimming/ Horse riding (rotating carousel)
PSHE x 1 – 45 mins
Enrichment session x 1 – 45 mins
Scheduled reflection times every day at systematic points throughout the day
Opportunities relating to Food technology and Performing Arts are weaved throughout the areas above