
Maplefields Academy

A Specialist Social, Emotional & Mental Health Academy

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Curriculum Vision

We strive to motivate pupils who have so far found school a challenge by providing a safe, calm, caring learning environment which is stimulating through the richness of the learning environment and the caring, nurturing approach and encouragement given to each pupil by staff. We work to foster a sense of belonging and to provide the opportunity for all pupils to develop a sense of self-worth, confidence and control over their lives.


Our main aims are:

To provide opportunities for all pupils to follow a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, which includes the National Curriculum, and to encourage each pupil to succeed and achieve their full potential with accreditation, whilst learning to establish independence through working routines, managing their own behaviour and learning to make appropriate choices and accepting responsibility.

To prioritise Basic Skills giving special emphasis to literacy. Our pupils generally arrive with poor literacy skills and we aim to improve their attainments and achievement in reading and writing using a variety of strategies, resources and learning styles. To build upon previous skills and experience to extend the knowledge of pupils, using practical activities and structured play where appropriate. To offer a progression, through small steps, for the development of skills and concepts.

To provide, in addition, direct timetabled opportunities for pupils to learn social, behavioural and communication skills and self-awareness through structured teaching.

To help pupils develop a respect for themselves and others in order to be able to follow rules and become integrated and accepted members of the larger community who are able to form positive, meaningful and healthy relationships. To prepare pupils for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life.

To promote effective and supportive relationships with parents, carers and all other professionals involved with the pupils in working towards our agreed aims and values. The school promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and those identified as British Values of all pupils together with equal opportunities to enable pupils to achieve the individual outcomes ensuring their safeguarding as our priority.

In addition we will aim to offer mainstream experience or re-integration where a child demonstrates that he/she has acquired the requisite social and academic skills.


Maplefields Key Curriculum Drivers 


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