
Maplefields Academy

A Specialist Social, Emotional & Mental Health Academy

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PE Curriculum Statement


Maplefields Academy was awarded the Youth Sport Trust Gold School Games Mark Award for 2023 /2024. This award is recognition for the school’s commitment and engagement to offer outstanding provision for Physical Education and School Sport.


Physical Education is an important subject for all of pupils across our primary and secondary provision. PE allows our pupils to develop confidence and leadership skills, both within school and through extra curriculum activities. Pupil’s work as individuals, in groups and in teams, developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility. They take on different roles and responsibilities, including leadership, coaching and officiating which links to our Sports Leaders qualification offer in KS4. Through the range of experiences that PE offers, pupils learn how to be effective in competitive, creative and challenging situations. 

Aims and objectives:


Maplefields Academy follows aims and objectives in order to fully support the learning environment for all pupils across the academy:


  1. Provide opportunities for all pupils within the academy to experience a board range of physical activities and sports.
  2. Increase pupil’s engagement of physical activity by providing intriguing and challenging lessons supported by extra curriculum activities. 
  3. Provide opportunities for all pupils to participate in competitive sports/competitions.
  4. For all pupils to understand how to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle.
  5. Ensuring that pupils are being provided with a board and balanced curriculum.
  6. Designing a curriculum to be enjoyable, but at the same time develop and stimulate students; physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.


Our offer across all key stages within the academy:


At key stage 1 & 2 pupils receive two 45-minute lessons per week, one lesson taught by a specialist PE teacher with a second PE lesson being delivered by the class teacher. At key stage 3, 4 and 5 pupils are taught by specialist PE staff with two 45-minute lesson per week.


In order to enhance our curriculum, long term curriculum planning allows for the development of skills to be built upon year on year from the early stages within our primary school right through to the latter stages of key stage 5. Curriculum mapping has been designed and created for all activities delivered in order to follow a sequence of learning for all pupils within the academy. In addition to the curriculum mapping and sequencing of learning, medium term planning supports the learning process of our pupils by identifying individual needs of all learners with interventions put into place to ensure every has an equal opportunity to succeed.    


In accordance with the learning journey, each term will provide a focus of two different activities within primary and secondary. The curriculum mapping further supports the planning and sequencing of learning. There will be a skill-based element for each activity with progression being addressed through careful planning and assessment of the relevant skills. Medium term planning and an in-depth student analysis affords the level of planning within physical education to be individualised to meet the needs of all our learners with interventions put into place to ensure that every student has the opportunity to be the best they can be in physical education at Maplefields Academy.


In order to support our offer provided through long term planning and curriculum mapping, opportunities our provided for pupils to participate in extra curriculum activities such as break and lunch activities, gifted and talented sessions as well as our extended day (lesson 6). Through providing a variety of break and lunchtime activities, pupils are able to further develop skills learnt within PE lessons and apply these within a competitive and positive environment while maintaining healthy relationships with peers. Gifted and talented sessions showcase the excellent ability of pupils within the academy and allow for the key stages to interlink to further challenge pupils’ skills and knowledge for the activity. Additionally, our extended day (lesson 6) funded by the Big Lottery Fund, supports PE lessons by encouraging pupils to remain active and healthy while continuing to learn from both PE teachers and experienced/professional coaches from outside organisations.




In order to fully support pupils progress throughout PE lesson, the curriculum mapping has a focus on developing and challenging pupils’ fundamental skills for the activity they are participating within with a focus on ‘remembering and understand’ key concepts. Within the KS2 curriculum mapping, pupils further explore key concepts within the activity they are participating in by ‘understanding and applying’ skills learnt.




Through providing a board and balanced curriculum, pupils within our KS3 cohort participate in a wide variety of activities. The purpose of the KS3 provision is for pupils to become increasing more confidence in the key concepts in which they are learning and are beginning to ‘apply skills and analyse own performance’.




PE lessons for our KS4 cohort have a focus upon ‘analysing, evaluating and creating’. Lessons are tailored to meet the needs of all learners with a board and balanced curriculum being provided. Pupils within KS4 have the opportunity to undertake Level 2 or 3 Sports Leaders Qualification. The course is designed to assist young people develop their knowledge, leadership and enjoyment of sport. Pupils undertaking the Sports Leadership Qualification will learn important life skills such as effective communication and organisation whilst learning to lead physical activities to both younger people/peers within school and through external competitions.




Within KS5, pupils have the opportunity to create their own curriculum with a focus being on them preparing for adulthood. Lessons are delivered by PE specialists with attention being placed on pupils to take ownership of learning. A variety of activities are provided with class-based lessons supporting the delivery of practical lessons.


The learning environment is one of very high expectations and the atmosphere within lessons and extra curriculum activities is such that pupils can gain confidence in physical activity in a safe environment where success is positively reinforced. The aim is to give every student who attends Maplefields Academy the confidence and skills to maintain life-long participation in sport and physical exercise.  


Special school inclusive network:


We are also very proud to be a central and integral part of the Northamptonshire Inclusive Schools Sports Network. Playing a key role within this network allows us to offer our pupils to many opportunities to be physically active. Pupils are able to participate in a variety of sporting events and experience a competitive competition. Maplefields follow the school games values provided by the Youth Sport Trust, determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-belief and teamwork. The step into sport leadership programme which is offered via this platform works alongside our own sports leaders offer and students within the school have the opportunity to gain Leadership qualifications through the programme provided by the following governing bodies; Tri Golf (Golf Foundation), Football Young Leaders Award (Northamptonshire Football Association) and Tennis Young Leaders Award (Lawn Tennis Association).


PE jobs for pupils:


As part of the whole school target ‘readiness for work and preparing for adulthood’, pupils across primary and secondary have been provided with the opportunity to apply and participate in interviews for job within the PE department. The process has been designed in order to support pupil’s ability to apply for jobs and to provided them with a sense of responsibility within the academy.        



Macron sports/star of the week reward scheme:


We continue to work with Macron sports as a sponsor for our PE kit. All pupils across primary and secondary are provided with Maplefields PE kit which is kept and washed within school as a means to ensuring all pupils participate in PE lessons and intra and inter school fixtures with suitable PE attire. Every PE lesson a pupil is provided with the ‘star of the week’ award. At the end of each term, the pupil that achieves the most star of the week awards will receive a voucher to spend on sports equipment or clothing which can be used within PE lessons, at the Marcon store as part of our reward system.    


Community Links:


The following providers all work in partnership with Maplefields Academy to enhance our PE and school sport offer. The aim of our partnership work with National Governing Bodies and Community organisations is to increase participation beyond the school day (Lesson 6) for our students and to establish links within the community that will aid our vision in getting more of our students participating in sport outside of school in our drive to prepare our students for adulthood by promoting healthy active lifestyles.    


Northamptonshire Saints (wheelchair rugby):


Maplefields are proudly working alongside Northamptonshire Saints in order to provide pupils with the opportunity to participate in wheelchair rugby sessions. The sessions have allowed pupils to experience a new sport and develop new transferrable skills. As part of the project pupils have had the opportunity to meet players from the Northampton Saints first team as well as represent the school at wheelchair rugby competitions against other clubs across the country.   


Holiday Activity Fund - Maplefields Summer Sport Camp:


Through the Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) we offer our students the opportunity to attend a summer sports camp exclusive to children with SEMH needs. All of the above community partners provide coaches to deliver sessions to our students across the two days.

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