
Maplefields Academy

A Specialist Social, Emotional & Mental Health Academy

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Internet Safety


No matter which website you are visiting (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram etc) or if you are chatting to someone online or simply reading your emails, make sure you stay safe by following these five simply steps below:


  • Don't give your own or a friend's personal information out to anyone. Personal information includes stuff like your name, age, address, phone number or anything that someone can use to identify you.
  • Never meet up with an online friend, even if you think you know them or they suggest meeting in a public place.
  • Don't open junk/spam email. If you receive an email from somebody you don't know, simply delete it.
  • Beware: people might not be who they say they are. Sometimes older people pretend to be younger than they actually are on the Internet.
  • Always tell an adult/member of staff if you feel uncomfortable or worried (or follow the instructions below to contact CEOP).

 CEOP is an organisation that can provide help, advice and support if you have any concerns whilst using the Internet. You can also report stuff to them if you feel unsafe at anytime. They can help with a number of issues including Cyberbullying, Hacking, Viruses, Mobile Problems, Harmful Content or Inappropriate Behaviour.


Report a concern to CEOP



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