Red Class
In Red Class, the current class teacher is Miss Murray and the support staff is Mrs Hart. We strive to build healthy relationships between peers and staff. We do this through lots of practical learning and teamwork throughout all areas of the curriculum. We visit Forest School once a week to do team building activities such as building dens, nature trails, feed the ducks and even toast marshmallows on the bonfire. We enjoy getting out in the fresh air and experiencing new things, such as making snow angels, digging holes in the mud to plant vegetables, drawing round our shadows and collecting dried leaves for art work. Red class also enjoy healthy competition within our two PE lessons a week. In Red Class, we also like to promote independence ready for moving up to Secondary. We do this through individual target setting within lessons and marking our work together to spot improvements ourselves e.g. spelling mistakes in our Literacy. We have many key time discussions around future job roles and careers and even practice other skills such as swimming and horse riding. On a Friday, Red Class also enjoy an Enrichment session in the afternoon where they can pick what activities they would like to do for choice time. These activities may include rock climbing located in our PE department, soft play, climbing frame, riding the bikes outside, playing on the Xbox or Wii or even an extra session of PE, such as dodgeball! Each Enrichment session is an opportunity to build on our skills and relate them to our Skills Builder curriculum.
Red and Purple Class specifically cater for UKS2 students in preparation for their transition in to Year 7.
The following elements from the structure of teaching and learning in Red or Purple Class:
Intervention tasks (based around literacy and numeracy) to promote independence
Morning key times with a focus on: Class assembly x 2, Newsround session and Primary reward assembly – 15 mins each
Breakfast and lunch as a class group everyday
4 x Read, Write Inc/Literacy – 45 mins each
Maths x 4 - 45 mins each (one session includes active maths)
Skills Builder or group games session every day – 15 mins each
Story time session each day – 15 mins each
Science x 1 – 45 mins
Topic (covering Geography/History/Art/DT) x 2 – 45 mins each
PE x 2 – 45 mins each
RE x 1 – 45 mins
Music x 1 – 45 mins
Computing x 1 – 45 mins
Forest School/ Swimming/ Horse riding (rotating carousel)
PSHE x 1 – 45 mins
Enrichment session x 1 – 45 mins
Scheduled reflection times every day at systematic points throughout the day
Opportunities relating to Food technology and Performing Arts are weaved throughout the areas above