British Values and SMSC
Promoting British Values and SMSC at Maplefields
British Values
Our government believes that, ‘British society is founded on fundamental values and principles, which all those living in the UK should respect and support. These values are reflected in the responsibilities, rights and privileges of being a British citizen or permanent resident of the UK. They are based on history and traditions and are protected by law, customs and expectations. There is no place in British society for extremism or intolerance.’
The values we support are not unique to Britain and are shared by many people in the world represented by the diverse families at Maplefields Academy.
We support the values of democracy, rules of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and these are embedded within our curriculum. These values are found in our own curriculum drivers and identified as Communication, Healthy Relationships, Independence and Self-Worth.
Democracy is embedded in the school. Pupils are listened to by adults and are taught to listen carefully and with concern to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. We encourage pupils to take ownership of not only their school but also of their own learning and progress. This encourages a heightened sense of both personal and social responsibility and is demonstrated on a daily basis by our pupils. Parents’/Carers opinions are welcomed at Maplefields Academy through methods such as questionnaires, feedback at parents’ evenings and regular liaison through phone calls and emails home on a regular basis.
The Rule of Law
In order to help children understand how society cannot operate without a set of laws, we teach them how our school rules create an ordered, fair and safe place in which to learn. The golden rules are discussed and agreed by the children and are display in classrooms. We help children to distinguish right from wrong and adopt restorative justice approaches to resolve conflicts.
Individual liberty
Our children have the opportunity to make individual choices and express opinions that develop their character and self-belief. However, they are encouraged to develop these qualities in the context of the rights and needs of other members of our school community. We model freedom of speech through pupil participation in class in the context of a safe, fair, supportive and ordered learning environment. We discuss and challenge stereotypes and implement a strong anti-bullying culture.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Healthy Relationships is one of our curriculum drivers at Maplefields Academy. Children are encouraged to respect themselves and to respect individual differences. This is a fundamental principle that is put into practice in the classroom, around school, in our outdoor areas and in assemblies. We help our children to acquire an understanding of, and respect for their own and other cultures and ways of life.
We provide opportunities for the development of British Values and SMSC in our school, through areas of the National Curriculum primarily in PHSE, however teacher planning for all lessons includes opportunities for British Values and SMSC. Also important is our Emotional and Behaviour Curriculum for example, circle time, sessions where children express feelings, problem solving etc. Key times are part of the Maplefields curriculum, A timetable is followed that highlights the topics and activities that are covered in morning assembly time. The topics reflect British Values and SMSC.
It is important that through the wider curriculum, we are providing opportunities for questioning, pondering, reflection, expression of ideas, the portrayal of feelings, the sense of value and worth and opportunities for creativity, within the school day. We value the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each individual child within Maplefields Academy.
We aim to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through: Collective worship, all subjects in the curriculum i.e. National Curriculum, Behaviour Curriculum and the wider curriculum, the Ethos of the School and Key time Planning.
Collective worship at Maplefields is planned to ensure that we offer pupils the opportunities to explore and share beliefs, think about making choices and become involved in the sharing of prayer, reflection and silence, to relate ideas and beliefs to themselves, think about the needs of others and develop a sense of community; and appreciate the importance of religious beliefs to those who hold them.
Spiritual Development
What is it?
We believe that spiritual development is about expressing innermost thoughts and feelings, exercising the imagination, the development of personal beliefs, a sense of awe and wonder and of being a part of a greater whole.
Moral Development
What is it?
We believe that moral development is concerned with helping children know right from wrong and respecting people and their property, without the fear of punishment or recrimination, but through making informed and responsible
Social Development
We believe that Social Development is about working with and relating to other children and adults, respecting other views and property, taking responsibility for oneself, developing and initiative, listening and communicating appropriately and caring for others.
Cultural Development
We believe that Cultural Development is about developing an awareness of children’s beliefs, values and customs, those of the family, those within the town (recognising that our children come from a much wider area than just Corby itself) and those of other societies and groups.
Please see SMSC and British Values Policy for more information. This can can be found under key information and policies and documents on the school website.