MTSA Free School Press Release

Maplefields Teaching School Alliance (MTSA) are preparing a bid to open a Free Special School in Corby and are keen to engage the Corby community in our plans. The proposed school would be built in the Beanfields area of the town, adjacent to Maplefields’ own site, and would offer specialist provision for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 18. Being aware that many Corby families daily transport their children to special schools in Kettering and further afield, and with ever-growing demand for places for Corby children, we feel that the new setting is absolutely necessary. The new school would be an independent academy, a full partner in the Teaching School and member of the wider network of Northamptonshire Special Schools. and supporting the work of our partner mainstream schools.
MTSA is an alliance of the Special Schools in the North of the county (Maplefields, Isebrook, Wren Spinney, Kingsley and Friars) working with Pen Green Teaching School Alliance to support the learning of children with special educational needs within our own schools and in mainstream. Almost all of the schools involved in our bid have been graded ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted in respect of their specialist areas and, having enjoyed the partnership of the community for many, many years, would like to offer our expertise in the creation of a sister school to meet the needs of families in Corby. The values and practices of the new school would be based on those that have proven so successful in our settings and the independence of the new school would free it to reflect the distinct character of Corby. In all facets of the new school’s work it would have access to the experience and expertise of the existing special schools, hoping to ensure it can be outstanding from the very beginning.
We would love to hear from parents of prospective pupils and from the wider community. Please use the contact us below to send in your questions or comments.